
Simpson Derby Confection Vendor

R. D. Simpson Co., Columbus, OH, c. 1940, 15 1/2". This is a combination game and vendor---almost a trade stimulator, but I don't collect trade stimulators so it must be a vendor, right? Proof-positive evidence for that lies in the name: Derby Confection Vendor, not Derby Confection Trade Stimulator or Derby Confection Counter Game. Trade-stim guys might like this model, but it belongs in a vending guy's hands.

The way it works is this: You put a penny into the slot, pull the lever all the way forward and to the left (which dispenses the goods into the chute), and then let the lever go. It springs back to the right and slams against the body, which always scares the hell out of me---each time I do it I half-expect the lever to snap off and continue its rearward trajectory. I flinch every time I run a penny through, so I don't run many. The backward momentum of the vending wheel after it's released causes the horsies to circle left to right until one stops in the winner's circle. The decal promises no prize for guessing which horse will do that, and indicates clearly that this is for "amusement only," so I'm sure no one ever bet on which horse would win the next race.

This model is a pain in the ass to work with. To change the globe you need to remove the horsies or loosen them and push them together so the globe can pass over them. If you do that, then be extra-careful to not scratch the decal. In addition, the mechanism is tempermental and if it's not adjusted just right then the horsies won't turn smoothly or won't stop where they should. I don't know the sales history of this model, but I wouldn't be surprised if sales were good for first orders and then fell sharply for reorders. Once vendors learned how ill-designed this was for real-life usage, I'd imagine that most decided it was more hassle than it was worth. This is not a rare machine but it's uncommon, and that could be the reason.

I know of three versions of this model, which I think (but don't know for sure) appeared chronologically:

Silent Salesmen Too gives this model's patent date as 1940. Given the United States' entry into World War II in late 1941 and the retooling of non-essential industry for the war effort, I suspect that the cast iron version is pre-WWII and the aluminum version is post-war. I don't know that for sure, but the hypothesis is consistent with everything I know about this particular vendor and the fact that I know of only one cast iron vendor---Victor's Sidewinder---that was post-WWII.

Two more comments about the aluminum version:

The examples pictured above are 100% original. I bought the aluminum machine from a friend, who'd bought it on ebay from someone who'd bought it at an estate sale for cheap money. That history---especially the "cheap money" on the original sale---means that it hadn't gone through a collector's hands until my friend owned it. When he bought it on ebay it was covered with decades of surface dirt but was otherwise in good condition. My friend merely wiped down the outside, lubed moving parts and adjusted the mechanism (see "pain in the ass" above), and set it on a shelf. I got it from him in that condition. This is one of the few I've seen with an old gray patina, and I like it much better because of that.

Note that the lid and gate have darkened more than the other pieces have. I've seen that phenomenon on other aluminum vendors that I knew had not been fiddle-futzed with, so when you see it it doesn't necessarily mean that a collector has swapped parts around. I guess it could mean that a vendor swapped parts years ago, but if so then it happened before the first collector got hold of it and in my opinion doesn't degrade from the machine's desirability.



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