
Wood Pulver

Pulver Chemical Co., Rochester, NY, pat. 1899, 24". As of November 2021 I'd managed to acquire some really nice Pulvers over the years, including multiple colors of the short-case Pulver, a tall-case Pulver, a duplicate set of tin-litho Pulvers, and even nontraditional models such as the Hi Hi and the Self-Service Pulver---but the Wood Pulver had always eluded me. Or to be more accurate, I'd had a couple of chances to buy one but I hadn't been able to confirm the quality or else the price was higher than I was willing to pay for it. The one pictured above was on a seller's table at the November 2021 Chicagoland and changed my Wood-Pulverless status.

I wanted a Wood Pulver because it's the first Pulver, and who doesn't want the first of a long line? The illustrious history of Pulver started with a single-column machine coupled with a Yellow Kid automaton in a wood case, like the one above. A few different types of wood cases were made and according to Silent Salesmen Too this is not the first of those, but I'm sure that not much time passed between that first one and this one.

It's an impressive machine but after I bought it and got to looking at it more closely, three things struck me as unusual about the model's design:

The machine above is 100% original except for the finish, which was done well. When actuated, the Kid turns to his right and then back to his left, and just before getting to his starting point he raises his right hand toward his mouth and then back down again. The Knowledgable Collector I bought this from said that's supposed to simulate him putting the gum in his mouth. I don't know if that's what Pulver intended but it sounds better than any explanation I can come up with.

This model may have been sold with a homey placard, examples of which can be seen in the Wood Pulver pictures in Silent Salesmen Too, page 127. This machine had one when I bought it (you can see it here), but I removed it because it was an "aged" replica, not an original. An original placard in this machine would be awesome, but knowing it's a repro it struck me as a bit cheesy.



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